


The following information provides information regarding transportation for students who are utilizing district provided 十大正规网赌软件. These should be reviewed by families with their students so that they are aware of the responsibilities of the parent(s)/guardian(s), 司机的责任, 乘坐公共汽车的规则, 以及公车事故和学生进度报告.

  1. 学生上车
    • Students with specialized transportation as a required service in their IEP will be picked up according to what is specified in their IEP (curb-to-curb, 最近的角落, 等). 这通常是路边对路边. 在不可能到达地址(死胡同)的情况下, 在单行道的另一边, 难以接近的区域), 将使用最接近的替代方案. 黄色巴士司机不会被安排在需要巴士倒车的情况下.
      • Known absences due to vacation or illness should be reported to the transportation department to avoid service disruptions. 如果学生连续三(3)天未报到,服务将暂时停止. 可以联系十大正规网赌软件部门恢复服务.
    • Students receiving general education service will generally be picked up at an intersection at a neighborhood stop that serves multiple students in the area. 停车距离学生服务区最远可达一英里,但通常要短得多.
    • 家长/监护人有责任帮助孩子上下车.
    • 学生应在预定接车时间前五(5)分钟准备好,并等车. 司机无法返回接没有准备好的学生.
  2. 学生下降
    • Students with specialized transportation in grades Pre-K and Kindergarten are required to have a responsible person receive them at their bus stop
    • Students with specialized transportation in grades 1-12 are required to have a responsible person receive them at their bus stop 除非 它们返回a 责任解除表这样他们就可以在没有人接他们的情况下下车.
    • Students on general education service are not required to be met and will be able to get off the bus without someone to meet them.
  3. 服务变更
    • 家庭住址更改必须在安排新的交通工具之前通过十大正规网赌软件.
    • 如需更改托儿服务或更改地址,可向交通办公室提出. 对于非家庭住址,您必须提供姓名、地址和联系信息.
    • 司机不允许更改学生的交通工具. 如有更改,请与交通部联系.
    • Information about students who are eligible for specialized transportation comes from the Special Education Department. 十大正规网赌软件办公室不决定服务水平.
  4. 更改路线和/或时间
    • There may be changes to routes as new students are added or existing students decline service or are withdrawn from school. 如果你的学生被分配到的路线有变化, 通知通常会通过邮件发送. 请及时更新您的邮寄地址.
  5. 疾病
    • 生病的学生应该呆在家里,以免传染给别人.
    • 如果孩子在上学期间生病了, 学校会给家长打电话的, 谁来负责接学生.
  6. 损害赔偿
    • The parent/guardian of a student who damages the school bus or alternative vehicle they are riding will be responsible to pay for the damages.
  7. 学生证/联系交通处
    • When communicating with the 十大正规网赌软件 Office you will need the following information to expedite the request/inquiry. 请把这个资料放在手边
      • 学生的SPS识别码
      • 学生的学校
      • 学生巴士路线(如果他们有作业的话).)
  8. 安全限制
    • 儿童必须使用适当的安全约束.
    • 法律规定,低于一定身高或体重的儿童必须坐在增高座椅上.
    • 如果一个学生需要一件安全背心来安全骑车,他们需要穿上它才能被允许骑车.
  9. 校车用药
    • 如果学生在学校需要服用处方药, 在下列情况下,学生可携带药品上车:
      • 药物在原来的容器里
      • 这个学生能自己带药
      • 药物没有固定或固定在学生身上
      • 药物应始终由学生保管.
    • 如果条件不能满足, 然后家长/监护人应将药物直接带到学校.

司机对公共汽车和乘客负责,必须服从.  如果车上有监视器, they will be responsible for the behavior of the students while the driver is responsible for the safe operation of the bus.  学生必须服从司机和班长.

  • Students shall ride only on their assigned bus 除非 written permission to do otherwise has been received by school authorities.
  • 除非学校有书面许可, 学生不得下车,除非在他/她的固定站下车.
  • 如果学生被分配到一个座位, 除非司机允许他/她换座位,否则他/她将坐在那个座位上.
  • 必须降低噪音,以免使司机分心.
  • 公共汽车上禁止使用打火机或火柴,也不允许吸烟.
  • Buses must be kept clean; eating is not allowed (除非 there is a medical exception).
  • 未经司机允许,学生不得打开车窗
  • 学生在任何时候都不得将身体的任何部位伸出车窗外.
  • 学生不得在公交车上携带任何可能伤害其他乘客的东西. 这些物品包括但不限于棍棒、易碎容器、武器或火器.
  • 除服务性动物外,动物不准上公共汽车.
  • 学生不得坐在司机的座位上,也不得坐在司机的左边或右边.
  • 除非必要,学生不应该和司机说话.
  • 一旦上车, 学生必须直接坐到座位上,并一直坐在座位上, 除非司机另有指示.
  • Students must get on/off the bus in an orderly manner and must obey the instructions of school safety patrol, 如果值勤. 上下车时不得推搡. 下车后,学生们必须遵守行人规则.
  • Students must never cross the street behind a yellow school bus 除非 they use the pedestrian crosswalks or traffic lights.
  • 当巴士驶近或驶离车站时,学生必须站在远离路边的地方.
  • 如果没有人行道, students going to and from their bus stop must walk on the left-hand side of the road facing oncoming traffic.
  • 如果车上有安全带,学生必须使用.
  • 紧急出口演习程序将按照驾驶员的命令进行.
  • 损坏校车的学生家长必须赔偿损失. 造成损坏的学生可能会被停运. 学生的不当行为是暂停交通特权的充分理由.
  • 符合WAC 392-145-040, an emergency evacuation drill will be held within two (2) weeks of each school semester for all students riding school buses, 除规定允许的情况外. 不参加演习的学生每年将进行三次口头指导(9月15日之前), 1月15日及3月15日). 演习将在校车装车区举行.
    • A verbal review of the emergency exit procedures will be given to the students during the first week in November and the first week in April.
  • 在开动巴士之前,司机会确保所有学生都坐好并系好安全带.
  • 司机将对学生的不当行为做出书面报告, 并将报告家长的不合作, accidents or any other problem to the dispatcher and the principal/administrator or Head Start staff as soon as possible.
  • 除极端紧急情况外,学生上车时司机不会下车.
  • Drivers will only let students off the bus at their regular stops 除非 told to do so by dispatchers or the District 十大正规网赌软件 Office.
  • 司机将不会在指定接车时间前离开转角巴士站.
  • 司机在门到门的站点等待的时间不会超过1分钟.
  • 司机不允许学生在车上吃喝, 除非有医疗状况或IEP批准.
  • 司机不允许动物上公交车,服务性动物除外.
  • Drivers will ensure that a responsible person is present to receive the student with specialized transportation 除非 a release letter, 家长/监护人签署的文件在交通办公室存档.
  • Drivers will not allow any student to sit in the driver’s seat or to the immediate left or right of the driver.
  • 司机/监督员将不运送药物往返学校.

确保行车安全, all students provided with transportation must comply with the “Rules for Students Riding 十大正规网赌软件 and Chartered Buses”. 不遵守这些规则或有其他虐待行为, 哪些会影响公交车的安全运行, 会导致巴士事故及学生进度报告.

  1. 出具报告:如果学生在公共汽车上行为不端, the driver will fill out a 巴士事故及学生进度报告 describing the incident or damage that occurred. The driver or bus monitor will keep a copy of the report and turn the remaining copies in to the school principal/administrator or Head Start staff.
  2. 报告处理:校长/管理员或启智计划员工, 收到报告后, 会否调查事件并采取适当行动. All disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the procedures set forth in the District’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
    • Warning: This action is considered when a student’s misconduct is of a minor nature and does not jeopardize the safety or welfare of other students or the operation of the bus.
    • Suspension: This action is considered when a student’s misconduct can effect the safety of passengers and bus operation, 当多次警告通知未能纠正虐待行为时, 或者当一个学生损坏了公共汽车. 视乎不当行为的程度,停牌可为一天或多天.
    • Expulsion: This action may be necessary depending on the degree of misconduct or number of repeated violations. A student may be expelled from the bus when the safety of the bus operation and/or passengers was willfully and seriously threatened (i.e. 学生殴打巴士司机或主管).
  3. Disposition of Report: The action taken by the principal/administrator or Head Start staff will be written on the Bus Incident and Student Progress report and sent to the student’s parent/guardian for signature. 交通局和司机也会得到通知.

Note: Suspension or expulsion of a student’s school bus riding privileges does not suspend or expel the student from school but places the responsibility for getting the student to and from school on the parent/guardian. (RCW 28 - 27 - 010)