



政府关系 in 十大正规网赌软件 is focused on promoting student learning by ensuring students, 家庭, staff members and schools have the resources and services they need to effectively educate every child.


  • 为十大正规网赌软件制定年度立法议程
  • 与当地人沟通, 州和联邦官员了解该地区的倡议和立法目标



  • 解决基础教育资金缺口问题
  • 支持学生学习
  • 支持学生的健康
  • 提供稳定和公平的运作


We are committed to improving outcomes for all students through the provision of basic education with the services and supports students need to engage in their learning. The current formulas to allocate state funding to school districts result in funding gaps that require districts to use local funds to cover the costs of meeting students’ needs. To address these structural issues and ensure every student is provided state-funded access to their basic education and mandated services, 特殊教育经费的拨款方式, 交通资金, 工作人员分类薪酬需要修订,以充分支付这些费用.

  • 特殊教育. 全面资助州一级特殊教育服务, 包括取消资金上限, 以支付服务学生的费用, 这取决于他们的个人教育计划(iep)或他们的504条款住宿. Invest in inclusionary practices and provide resources for required language supports for multilingual 家庭, 让所有家庭都能参与IEP过程. 即使立法机构最近增加了拨款, 学区在特殊教育服务上的支出远远超过了州政府的拨款水平.
  • 十大正规网赌软件. 修改学生交通资助公式,使之透明化, 可预测的, 并全额支付学生的交通费. Allow additional types of vehicles to qualify for funding to provide more flexibility and stabilize operations, particularly for students requiring specialized transportation to accommodate disabilities indicated in students’ IEP or 504 plans and for students in other protected categories, 比如无家可归的学生和被寄养的学生.
  • 分类员工工资和原型模型. 机密的员工, 包括辅助教育工作者是学校社区的重要成员, 作为学生基础教育的一部分,提供学习和教学支持, 以及确保安全, 清洁, 欢迎的学习环境. Recognize and compensate classified staff and paraeducators as the valued education professionals they are by increasing the state allocation for their compensation and increasing staff positions in the prototypical model that are more reflective of the staff needed to run a school and support student outcomes.
  • 学校建设公式修改. The current school construction cost allocation program is antiquated and does not adequately reflect the true costs of school construction—with no meaningful increase in the funding formula in decades despite dramatic increases in construction costs. Increase state funding for both the area-cost allowance and the square-foot-per-student allocation for school construction is critical.
  • 支持为学生提供新的州收入选择. 支持增加渐进式收入选择,以更好地满足学生的需求. 该州最终需要依靠的不仅仅是财产税来资助K-12教育.


We are focusing on the heart of what we do as a school system: providing excellence in education for every student through high-quality teaching and learning experiences to prepare every 十大正规网赌软件 student for college, 职业生涯, 和社区. 要做到这一点, 学生需要获得学习支持, 包容的学习环境和通用的学习设计, 辅导, 以及为下一步做准备的指导.

  • 股权支持. 为所有学生,特别是黑人学生的不同需求提供支持, 印第安人, 和拉丁裔学生. Invest in access to mentoring and 辅导 programs that support the whole student and prepare them for college, 职业生涯, 和生活. 提供资源,以支持学生参与新的毕业组合途径.
  • 文化响应课程和课程. 投资于符合最佳实践和通用学习设计的课程, 对文化有反应, 是不同学生背景的代表, 历史, 和经验——包括黑人研究, 美国印第安人研究, 和拉丁研究. 投资于地区民族研究的发展和实施, in alignment with the 华盛顿 状态 Ethnic Studies Framework and 华盛顿 状态 Learning Standards.


We recognize and appreciate the investments the Legislature has made in supporting student well-being in previous legislative sessions. 在COVID-19大流行期间最好地支持我们的学生, we utilized the federal 小学 and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to provide additional supports to our students, 家庭, 还有教育工作者——包括了解创伤的心理健康和社会情感支持, 还有恢复性实践. 这些一次性资金已不再提供给地区, 但是我们学生的需求, 家庭, 这些支持的教育工作者在不断增加, requiring additional investments in physical safety as well as the supports increased during the 2023 legislative session.

  • 学校安全. Invest in staff and systems to provide physically safe school buildings and learning environments for our students.
  • 心理健康、社会情感学习和减少伤害. 投资于保持对文化的响应, trauma-informed services and supports in mental health and social emotional learning for students and educators. 投资于提高学生对成瘾和有害物质危害的认识, 促进预防药物滥用, 以及学区预防和应对校园用药过量的能力, 交通工具或学校相关活动期间.
  • 恢复实践. 为学生提供资源,通过恢复性实践改造学校环境, 以及他们的家人. 提供资源,让我们改变学校文化, 利用替代排他性纪律, 修复不成比例的纪律和结构性种族主义造成的伤害, 改变学生与学生、教职员与学生之间的关系.


来完成我们为西雅图学生制定的目标, 我们必须吸引和保持多样化, 文化的反应, 有效的教育者, 包括代课老师, 为学生和教育工作者提供高质量的学习环境和工具, 并为我们的学生和家庭提供稳定和公平的运作. 国家拨款方案在我们体系的结构和运行稳定性方面发挥着关键作用.

  • 公平的薪酬,以保留和招募多元化的员工. Invest in staff salaries to allow districts to provide equitable and competitive compensation to educators, 包括提高代课教师的补偿率, 并解决区域化率和经验因素方面的不足. 保持地区管理、合作及与学校教职员及领导创新的能力. Develop and implement multiple educator pathways and incentives to ensure sufficient and diverse staff are available to districts.
  • 高质量和可持续的资本投资. 提供国家资本资助,建设无障碍、高质量的学习环境. Allow the use of capital funds to purchase electric vehicles to address climate change and reduce the district’s carbon footprint. Allow for flexibility in the use of local capital funds to cover maintenance costs and purchase curriculum. Support school districts’ success in achieving the goals of the state Clean Buildings Performance Standard by providing funding for required assessments and flexibility to develop alternative compliance pathways without financial penalties.
  • 可持续的业务. 增加材料的保险分配, 供应, 运营成本,以应对不断上涨的保险成本.
状态ment from Seattle School Board Leadership and Superintendent Jones on 2023 Legislative Session

The 华盛顿州立法机构 made progress during the 2023 session on 十大正规网赌软件 priorities including special education funding.



这个地区正在积极游说我们的立法机关为教育提供全额资金. 然而, 法律禁止我们鼓励公众代表我们游说 .

十大赌博正规平台在线成员和SPS工作人员作为十大正规网赌软件在当地的倡导者, 州和联邦层面. Part of the group’s work is to speak on behalf of all children and youth before governmental bodies and other organizations. 

为了遵守州和联邦的规定, 十大赌博正规平台在线和工作人员与两党成员合作,以实施变革. When Seattle School Board members or district staff participate in legislative activities that educate lawmakers about officially adopted School Board positions or support a particular piece of legislation that is in agreement with the adopted legislative program, 它是在严格的无党派基础上完成的.


我们鼓励有兴趣的学生、家长、教职员和社区成员 了解华盛顿州公共教育面临的问题. This webpage provides important information and links regarding the legislative work in Olympia as well as our county and city. 对于我们的学校系统和社会来说,拥有一个知情和参与的公民是很重要的.


Find which congressional and legislative districts you live in and information about your local legislators at the 华盛顿州立法机构’s 区查找


华盛顿的你.S. 国会代表团


U.S. 教育部


